01772 457484
Mon-Sat From 9.30am
5-9 Turpin Green Lane, Leyland, PR25 3HA

Open Fronted Gas Fires in Preston

Open Fronted Gas Fires in Preston Many homeowners prefer open fronted gas fires in Preston because it gives that lovely aura and that rich feel to your house that nothing else does. Gas fires have a lot of advantages over other fire places. One of which is that they are highly efficient and can be used even if you don’t have a chimney. Open fronted gas fireplaces are very easy to use and come in many designs, colours and sizes, allowing a homeowner to choose one that will make his house look rich, lively and of course homely. The problem here is that for this you need a professional fireplace service that can offer you the range you are looking for in the budget you have in mind.

If you think that in Preston, open fronted gas fires might not be an easy find, you will be surprised. Leyland Fireplaces have everything you need regarding fireplaces under one roof. With more than 40 years of experience in fireplaces and being a family business, Leyland Fireplaces makes sure that every fireplace they sell makes your family feel the warmth and care that you expect. With the help of highly qualified, professional and friendly staff, they ensure the highly quality of service at easily affordable prices.

The designs and choice of materials in open fronted gas fires in Preston offered at Leyland Fireplaces showrooms cannot be found anywhere else. This is because they don’t just sell fireplaces, they have a hand in the manufacturing as well, which puts them in the position of better understanding a homeowner’s needs and getting him what he wants. Leyland also offers £50 trade in for your old fire regardless of condition and provides you with a new one at very economical rates. When you are finalising your order of a fireplace with Leyland Fireplaces, you can be sure that you are getting the best fireplace from the best service out there. Contact them today to find out what open fronted gas fires they can offer you.

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